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VOIGTLÄNDER Light Meter VC II (Silver)

VOIGTLÄNDER Light Meter VC II (Silver)


This is a super-compact exposure meter that can measure ambient light for excellent on-field light metereing, not just for old meter-less Film cameras, but even for modern mirrorless Digital cameras - trust us!


  • Fixed point matching type exposure meter for steady light (ambient)
  • 30° wide photometeric angle of view (70-90mm lens equivalent FOV)
  • ISO 25 to 3200 with 1/3 stops increment on speed dial
  • Aperture dial ranges from F1.4 to F22
  • Shutter Speed from 1/2000 to 1 second
  • Photometery ranges from EV 1 (1sec, F1.4) to EV 20 (1/2000, F22)
  • Uses Silicon photodiode as photosensitive element for excellent metering
  • Acheives extremely accurate readings even for low light metering at F1.4
  • Simple to use 3 dials for ISO, Aperture & Shutter speed
  • Diplay uses 3 fixed point matching system LEDs
  • Holds exposure reading for 8 seconds and memorizes for 30 seconds
  • Runs on two LR44 Alkaline or SR44 Silver Oxide batteries (not included)
  • Convenient push open battery cover
  • Lightweight, highly rigid, and excellent textured aluminum die-cast body
  • The compact form factor seamlessly flushes with the camera body
  • The cold shoe can be easily moved to a desired position
  • The meter conveniently slips into the camera's shoe while readings are taken
  • Maxwell batteries included (Made in Japan)
  • Made in Japan
  • Exclusive of 18% GST
  • Includes limited 18 months India official warranty

Voigtlander Light Meter VC II is an invaluable accessory which makes a great back up meter for modern digital cameras, or adds a new lease of life to an older unmetered camera.


Our own experience is that an external light meter always allows you to capture the accurate exposure on the field as opposed to the in-camera metering that may not always be correct or the histogram may suggest otherwise. Even though the modern digital cameras have great dynamic range, however, any loss of details on the field (when under / over exposing) can never be added back or retrieved using any post processing software, especially when you have not been able to correctly capture ambient light to be used as a reference point. The TTL metering in digital cameras have a very narrow field of view, is always reflective, and there are several real-world examples that exists to show how an internal light meter can fail you in a scene that has complex mix of whites & blacks. 


The professionals use external light meters, however, our minimalist little gem is both intuitive, accurate and very easy to use without complicating your system giving excellent results always

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